[vcf-midatlantic] [off topic] - GaN USB chargers and temps

William Dudley wfdudley at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 01:46:03 UTC 2024

Electrolytic caps are not going to be happy with high temperatures.

Bill Dudley

This email is free of malware because I run Linux.

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 2:58 PM John Heritage via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Hey folks -
> Looking for some insight from the hardware inclined here.
> GaN USB chargers are touted as being able to deliver higher power in
> smaller form factors (I.e. charging a 65W USB device while the size of a
> “standard silicon” ~ 10-20W USB charger).
> I know on paper GaN can run a lot hotter successfully than silicon (>150C
> for example), but I’m wondering - when you have a GaN USB charger that runs
> pretty hot for long period of time, is it really safe?   Aren’t there
> likely other components in the charger that don’t have the increased heat
> tolerance of GaN semiconductors?
> I’m asking as one of my GaN chargers gets hot enough to the point that I’d
> be really worried with a traditional PSU.  It only happens if I had two
> devices attached that need a full charge - once they’re topped off or
> higher up in charge temperature is no issue.
> Thanks,
> John

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