[vcf-midatlantic] OT: Shop Vacs

RETRO Innovations go4retro at go4retro.com
Mon Jun 3 20:23:50 UTC 2024

On 6/3/2024 12:31 PM, Christian Liendo via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Best Shop Vac (BATTERY POWERED)? Milwaukee, Dewalt, Ridgid, Makita,
> Ryobi, Bosch, Hart
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdhuatYzJw8
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 12:34 PM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic
> <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> VCF is planning on purchasing a shop vac. Does anyone have any experience
>> with Milwaukee or Ryobi brands? If so, which would you recommend We are
>> looking for the battery operated models.
>> Thanks!
>> Jeff Brace
>> VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
>> Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
>> VCF Mid-Atlantic Event Manager
>> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
>> https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
>> jeffrey at vcfed.org

Hmmm, those are both Techtonics brands (Ryobi is the tier 2 option 
whereas the Milwauke is the Tier 1 brand).

It doesn't look the batts are interchangeable.

In general, I think it's probably more important to pick a brand for the 
club/group (Maybe VCF already has some of a specific type) and then just 
buy the vac for that brand. Dealing with the marginal benefit of a 
specific tool in a brand is far outweighed by the value of 
interchangeable batteries.

Unless the tools walk off at times, I'd probably pick Milwaukee over 
Ryobi.  Both have the box vac, but Milwaukee has the backpack one, which 
is nice.

You didn't mention Dewalt, which is the brand I standardized on, but I 
find the tools and the portable vac fine.  I do think the Milwaukee 
options (the backpack vac for one) a bit more impressive.

The question is a bit ironic, as the power tool brand wars of today are 
much like the home computer brand wars in the 1980s).

And, as a Dewalt diehard (I've used the portable tools since 1993, which 
the 12V unit was the flagship), if the club is ever in the market for a 
portable toolbox, I think the PACKOUT from Milwaukee is much better than 
the Dewalt ToughSystem 2.0.



RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems

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