[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 2024 videos
Jeffrey Brace
jeffrey at vcfed.org
Thu Jun 6 03:42:54 UTC 2024
On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 10:30 PM Ethan O'Toole via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> > I don't see more mic runners happening as getting volunteers is
> difficult.
> AV dude here.
> We had mic stands and stuff for an audience mic, but the room is just
> wonky. I guess we could have people line up in the isle somewhere, or
> maybe in the middle... not in front of cameras? But do people have the
> energy to do so? Trip risk, etc etc
I agree that it is wonky. It worked well with CHM, but they have a proper
stage and meeting space that is big and open. But when we setup the mic
people automatically just went there to speak and it worked much better
than running around.
> Really, infoage needs to finish off a section of a building as an event
> space with no pillars in the middle, the full thing, and then we do the
> stage and have a lot more room with nice isles, no pillars in the middle
> of the room, etc etc
Yes, but do you have a spare $400,000 per section to renovate it? It's
really pricey nowadays to fully renovate a 7,000 square foot section.
> Then they can rent it out for Bingo, Weddings, and other things. And the
> SCUBA group could use it for their swap meets, VCF could use it for swap
> meets and the main track with the girls bunkroom as the 2nd track.
They've literally had the plan to renovate two 7000 square foot sections
for 15 years to do what you propose, but lack the money.
> - Ethan
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