[vcf-midatlantic] electronic and electromechanical games?
Christian Liendo
cliendo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 13:51:25 UTC 2024
Yes there are members in the group that collect these.
If you want to let them go, you can do one of a few things
1. Put them on ebay
2. Price them and offer them up here and people will reach out to you
3. The group has a flea market and festival where these can be sold.
You need to get a space and you can bring your items
Just a note, you will probably make more on ebay, but if you sell
privately it's easier to just swap games for cash. It's up to you.
The next VCF Swap Meet is June 22 and it's in Wall NJ
If you cannot make this one, System Source in MD has one in July.
Hope this helps
On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 9:12 AM m simons via vcf-midatlantic
<vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Does anybody here collect or know of a collection of electronic and electro-mechanical games? And related items?
> I've got a 1970 Compumatic Football I'd like to find a good home for and I'll probably eventually get rid of a bunch of my late 70s early 80s electronic games.
> Sure, I could put them on eBay or something but I was hoping there might be a person or display or something where these would fit within the context of tech and computing.
> I'm located in South Jersey / Philly area.
> Michael S.
> Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
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