[vcf-midatlantic] VCF CoCo Market

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Tue Jun 25 22:04:31 UTC 2024

>   I sold a Model III, but the Model 4 came home with me. I also sold a Color 
> Computer 2, but had to bring home another Coco 2 and a Coco 1B. There used to 
> be a lot more interest in them.

Market saturation? Waiting for the killer app or YouTube love? FujiNet 

Note, I've heard in the book Ready Player One the Coco2 game Dungeons of 
Daggorath is mentioned. Modernish tie-in.

Growing up I remember a neighbor playing some kind of Mickey game on the 
Coco2 and it was using a tape for real time audio. I remember thinking, 
man my Atari doesn't do it quite that well.... The case design of that 
mall-found computer isn't appealing but could this thing give my Atari 
800XL a run for the money? I just tried to search and came across 
Mickey's Space Adventure:


Which mentions disk drive so I don't think that was it. But interesting 
that Al Lowe wrote that. He did Black Cauldron, my best and favorite early 
Tandy 1000SX title.

Feebay shows Math Adventures with Mickey and Mickey's Alpine Adventure. 
Looking at the manual pdf for the Math one that doesn't sound like it but 
who knows. Maybe I misremember the whole thing and that neighbor had a 
disk drive but I'm 99% sure it was tape and doing audio playback between 
loading screens during plot. Anyone know?

 			- Ethan

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