[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 2024 is two weeks away!

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Sat Mar 30 01:18:33 UTC 2024

If you want to help me promote the show you can use the following:

*Vintage Computer Festival East* is April 12, 13, 14 at the InfoAge Science
& History Center in Wall, New Jersey.

It is a three-day event with Friday tech classes, Saturday and Sunday:
dozens of exhibits, a consignment room, a single-board computer workshop,
museum tours, learn-to-solder classes, and much more!

This year’s show feature talks include :

*Friday Roundtable* <https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-friday-roundtable/>

   - Sean Malseed - Moderator (Action Retro)
   - Amiga Bill <https://www.twitch.tv/amigabill> (The Guru Meditation
   - AshSaidHi <https://www.twitch.tv/ashsaidhi>
   - Lady Ailuros <https://www.twitch.tv/ladyailuros>
   - Ron's Computer Videos <https://www.youtube.com/@RonsCompVids>

*Saturday Roundtable* <https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-saturday-roundtable/>

   - Dr. Rebecca Mercuri (moderator)
   - Joyce Weisbecker
   - Burger Becky

*Sunday Roundtable* <https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-sunday-schedule/>

   - Frank O'Brien
   - Curious Marc (Marc Verdiell)
   - Carl Claunch
   - Ken Shiriff

*T ALKS SCHEDULE* <https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-talks/>

*This year's two themes are:*

1) The Rise of the GUI

2) Computer Art

*Day 1: VCF University* *classes*

   1. Technical talks.
   2. GlitchWorks workshop
   3. All day Atari programming classroom.

*Day 2 and 3:*

   1. Exhibits
   2. Talks
   3. Consignment
   4. Vendors
   5. GlitchWorks workshop
   6. Atari programming classroom
   7. VCF Museum tours!

Proceeds benefit Vintage Computer Federation, which is a 501(c)(3)
educational non-profit organization.

Please see the event website for the latest updates:

During check-in we will give you wristbands for the days that you purchased.

*This year there are 1 -Day, 2-Day and 3-Day tickets available:*

1 -Day can be for any of the three days (Fri, Sat, Sun)

2 -Day can be any combination of (Fri, Sat, Sun)

3 -Day is for all three days of the show (Fri, Sat, Sun)

*3-Day tickets get a special badge!*

*Cost increase:*

Due to the increased costs of organizing the show, the ticket prices have
gone up. We try to keep the costs to a reasonable price, but as a
non-profit we support ourselves through shows like this and donations. To
maintain the quality level of our show, we had to increase the ticket

Speakers, talks and schedule are subject to change. There is no guarantee
that all speakers will be available. Please check the website for the
latest information.

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