[vcf-midatlantic] VCF Bumper to videos
Andrew Diller
dillera at gmail.com
Wed May 1 19:15:11 UTC 2024
OK thanks for the additional info.
One thing on 'recognizability' - that is a slippery slope. If it's not in the public domain Google will 'recognize it' also and flag the video... Normally you grab some free MP3 and play them- they are all 100% unrecognizable.
> On May 1, 2024, at 3:07 PM, Douglas Crawford <touchetek at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm only talking about the music.
> The graphic and clicks are fine!
> Why is the music no good:
> >people wouldn't like it cause they cannot recognize it?
> Yes. If they don't recognize it, its a waste of their
> attention. Why play a trick on them with something?
> played backwards?
> > If you don't like that 7 second clip what are other suggestions?
> The clip is OK, just drop that nonsense "music".
> It is already and obscure reference, and playing it backwards
> is aweful. The notes of the song are actually not recognizable,
> but the melody sung is. This uses the otherwise unrecognizable
> musical notes of the song and reverses them too. Its a
> cruel joke.
> On 5/1/2024 2:55 PM, Andrew Diller wrote:
>> I disagree. First, it's just 7 seconds of the music, 2 seconds of the typing noise.
>> How does the general public factor into your assessment? Do you mean that people wouldn't like it cause they cannot recognize it? Just wondering and hoping for more words about that statement.
>> I think the sound is short, interesting, and sparse enough to be excellent soundscape for the bumper.
>> If you don't like that 7 second clip what are other suggestions?
>> -andy
>>> On May 1, 2024, at 2:21 PM, Douglas Crawford via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not a fan of the use of it here in this case for the
>>> general public.
>>>> but played backwards and tweaked
>>> Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! WHY? Just to make it completely obscured?
>>> The sung melody might be OK or at least be recognizable.
>>> The IBM computer sang the song. (which interestingly sounds amazing like the SAM voice famously on the C64 and other platforms.)
>>> But I wouldn't want to suffer through it every bumper play.
>>> On 5/1/2024 12:40 AM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 11:11 PM Bob Flanders via vcf-midatlantic <
>>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>>>> I think it would be enough to have the logo appear without letters then the
>>>>> typing. it's fun the first time, but after a few vids it would get ...
>>>>> uncomfortable.
>>>> This tune in this bumper was a "Daisy Bell" from 1892 by Harry Dacre. It
>>>> was the first singing song on an IBM 7094, but played backwards and tweaked
>>>> with the tone so it sounded more upbeat.
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41U78QP8nBk
>>>> Full story on this song is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_vDpMz7IZk
>>>> We thought it was very historical, but it seems that some people don't like
>>>> it. We're open to other ideas.
>>>> Jeff
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 11:02 PM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <
>>>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>>>>> We had a volunteer create a bumper for our future VCF videos. What does
>>>>>> everyone think?
>>>>>> https://youtu.be/3c0F9bENQW4
>>>>>> Can anyone identify:
>>>>>> 1) The computer starting up
>>>>>> 2) The song
>>>>>> 3) The keyboard making the clicking sounds?
>>>>>> Take care!
>>>>>> Jeff Brace
>>>>>> VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
>>>>>> Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
>>>>>> VCF Mid-Atlantic Event Manager
>>>>>> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
>>>>>> https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
>>>>>> jeffrey at vcfed.org
>>> --
>>> Douglas Crawford
>>> VCF Mid-Atlantic Museum Mgr
>>> InfoAge Science & History Museums
>>> 2201 Marconi Road
>>> Wall, NJ 07719
> --
> Douglas Crawford
> VCF Mid-Atlantic Museum Mgr
> InfoAge Science & History Museums
> 2201 Marconi Road
> Wall, NJ 07719
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