[vcf-midatlantic] Recommended PBS Documentary

Chris Fala chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
Tue May 7 13:42:21 UTC 2024

The title is "Silicon Valley", and is an episode of the PBS series,
"American Experience". Below is the link to Prime.

This is an excellent history of Silicon Valley, focusing on one of the
co-founders of Intel, Robert Noyce. I was reminded of this show when a
friend and I were chatting a few weeks ago. I was surprised that he never
heard of the "Traitorous Eight" who left Shockley Semiconductor to form
Fairchild Semiconductor. I initially saw the documentary when it was free
on broadcast TV, then again years later on YouTube, but it has apparently
been taken down from free video streaming outlets. It seems that it is only
available on Amazon Prime with the PBS Documentary subscription. I don't
intend to pay for the subscription but got the free trial and re-watched
the documentary a few times. I feel that it is definitely worthwhile.  Let
me know if you see/saw it and your thoughts, I think it would make for a
good discussion.


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