[vcf-midatlantic] Open House - System Source, Usagi Electric, Corey Cohen turning on our Apple 1 Friday May 17th

Chris Fala chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
Tue May 7 14:36:15 UTC 2024

Hey Bob. Thanks so much for doing this!!! I signed up last week, but the
website only allowed me to select one time slot, so I hope you won't kick
me out for the rest of the day! ;-)


On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 9:50 AM Bob Roswell via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> You are invited to the System Source Computer Museum Open House on 5/17
> featuring three special guests below.  We filled the last open house with
> just one of the special guests, so sign up soon!   (We will close
> registration at 120, currently at 105)
> Corey Cohen  http://myapplecomputer.net/about-me.html will begin testing
> the components of our Apple 1  https://www.apple1registry.com/en/10.html.
> By the end of the day, we expect to turn on the Apple 1 for the first time
> in a very long time!
> David Lovett, AKA Usagi Electric, will discuss his progress repairing our
> Bendix G-15.  He has well over 760,000 views worldwide following this
> project at
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnw98JPyObn3QSIwUz5Iv6NA1x-uGFqAa.
> Enjoy!
> Dr. Barry Marshall, an Australian physician and 2005 Nobel Prize winner in
> Medicine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Marshall, is expected in the
> morning with his wife Adrienne.  Dr. Marshall learned about the museum from
> the Usagi Electric videos.  David Lovett was once seriously ill with
> gastric ulcer.  Fortunately, Dr. Marshall and his research partner
> identified that some ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection from
> Helicobacter pylori, and the disease is now treatable.  This discovery lead
> to David's health and Dr. Marshall's Nobel Prize.
> Register online at https://museum.syssrc.com
> Bob Roswell
> broswell at syssrc.com
> https://museum.syssrc.com
> 410-952-9140

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